

日期(周) 周一(复习、解惑) 周三(传授) 阅读材料
2.21 & 3(一) 惠勒第一原理和进化到相对论,课程大纲 陀螺仪方程MTW 6.5节和进动Hartle 14章 MTW 2017序言、(Shibata 序言)
2.28 & 3.2 (二) 复习尝试、费移MTW 6.5 Kerr时空Hartle 第15.2-3和15.5节(回顾史瓦西黑洞视界Hartle 9.4和12.1节、7.9和20.2节 Doran 《geometric algebra》中的Grassmann代数起源、刘辽&赵峥《广义相对论》8.3.2节(注意度规约定惯性指数为1正3负)
视界面ii、LNRF LNRF、欧拉观者(本人教学论文)、讲义测地线HJ方法 1、Wilkins, D., 1972, Phys. Rev. D., 5, 814 Bound geodesics in the Kerr metric PDF 类时束缚轨道:必要条件、球轨道及其节点进动和周期(注意公式和计算都取了极端Kerr黑洞特例)2、Bardeen, James M.; Press, William H.; Teukolsky, Saul A., 1972, ApJ, 178, 347 Rotating Black Holes: Locally Nonrotating Frames, Energy Extraction, and Scalar Synchrotron Radiation PDF 赤道面上、局部非转标架 (LNRF)
克尔时空测地线势能曲线分析 热力学和流体运动学 MTW 22章、Plebanski 15.1-2节
Hartle 22.2节、热力学和流体动力学MTW 22.2-3章 理解和应用相对论性理想流体的欧拉方程 MTW 22章
星体结构和稳定性MTW 23、26章、Hartle 24、温伯格第11章 Hartle 24.5节、MTW 26章 George King 《Vibrations and Waves》 第4章
数值相对论Stuart L. Shapiro and Thomas W. Baumgarte - Numerical Relativity_ Starting from Scratch (2021) 第2章 继续 Kip S. Thorne and Roger D. Blandford, Modern Classical Physics: Optics, Fluids, Plasmas, Elasticity, Relativity, and Statistical Physics
3+1分解爱因斯坦方程、第二种3+1分解电动力学方程 {Thorne}, K.~S. and {MacDonald}, D., Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime - 3+1 Formulation
粘滞涡旋和磁流体 黑洞膜范式、加速系和Rindler坐标MTW第6章 Black holes: The membrane paradigm
引力波线性化理论Linearization of Einstein equations, Lorenz gauge,TT gauge[1.1, 1.2] 引力波的测量原理Interaction of GWs with freely falling test particles, key ideas underlying GW detectors [1.3] Maggiore_M _Gravitational waves vol.1
十一 放假 引力波的能量Effective EMT of GWs, GW energy and linear-momentum fluxes [1.4] MTW 32、
十二 引力波的传播、几何光学近似Propagation of GWs in curved spacetime, geometric optics approximation, interaction with matter, gravitational lensing, absorption and scattering [1.5]、动理论MTW 22.6 场论初步Zee A. 《QFT in a nutshell》part 1 1-4. Mukhanov Viatcheslav , Sergei Winitzki-Introduction to quantum effects in gravity 2004 , Goldstein, Classical Mechanics最后一章;Maggiore, Introduction to QFT
十三 Leading-order generation of GWs in the slow-motion approximation, quadrupole formula [3.1–3.3] 例:闭合系统和两体系统产生的引力波特征Characteristics of GWs and power radiated from binary systems,习题3.1-2
十四 双星内旋GWs from binary systems on inspiraling, circular orbits [4.1.1] and on eccentric orbits [4.1.2 & 4.1.3] 后牛顿展开Basics of post-Newtonian theory 【5.1】 & Weinberg 9.1 MTW第36章引力波角动量的时空几何方法、Einstein, Infeld & Hoffmann (1938)
十五 Basics of post-Minkowskian theory [5.3] Effective-one-body theory [14.2]
十六 *Effective-one-body theory* [14.2]、Tidal effects in compact objects【14.4】 BH perturbation theory &
quasi-normal modes
Flanagan-Hinderer (2007) Binnington & Poisson (2009)Alcubierre book (see Ch. 2-6)
十七 Numerical Relativity[14.3、14.4.2]、Stuart L. Shapiro and Thomas W. Baumgarte - Numerical Relativity_ Starting from Scratch (2021) 5、Analytical/numerical relativity templates for searches of GWs from compact-object binaries [7.2, 9.2.3] Inferring properties/tests of GR with GW150914 & GW151226 [15] GW150914-minimal-assumption-search
十八 引力塌缩和黑洞MTW 32、[10] GWs from early Universe: phase transitions, cosmic/fundamental strings/phenomenological bounds【22】