
Deposition Techniques:

Initial letter of the deposition material

A   B   C   D   E   G   H   I   K   L  M   N   O   P   R  S   T   U   V   Y   Z

Key of Symbols

* influenced by composition    ** Cr-plated rod or strip    ***All metals alumina coated    
C = carbon    Gr = graphite   Q = quartz    Incl = Inconel   VC = vitreous carbon   SS = stainless steel    
Ex = excellent    G = good    F = fair    P = poor    S = sublimes    D = decomposes
RF = RF sputtering is effective    RF-R = reactive RF sputter is effective
DC = DC sputtering is effective    DC-R = reactive DC sputtering is effective

Material Symbol MP
S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given
Vap. Press. (Torr)
Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments
10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources
Boat Coil Basket Crucible
Aluminum Al 660
2.70 677 821 1010 Ex TiB2,W W W TiB2-BN, ZrB2, BN RF, DC Alloys and wets. Stranded W is best.
Aluminum Antimonide AlSb 1080
4.3 - - - - - - - - RF -
Aluminum Arsenide AlAs 1600
3.7 - - ~ 1300 - - - - - RF -
Aluminum Bromide AlBr3 97
2.64 - - ~ 50 - Mo - - Gr RF -
Aluminum Carbide Al4C3 ~1400 D 2.36 - - ~ 800 F - - - - RF n = 2.7
Aluminum, 2% Copper Al2%Cu 640
2.82 - - - - - - - - RF, DC Wire feed and flash. Difficult from dual sources.
Aluminum Fluoride AlF3 1291 S 2.88 410 490 700 P Mo, W, Ta - - Gr RF -
Aluminum Nitride AlN >2200 S 3.26 - - ~1750 F - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes. Reactive evap in 10-3 T N2 with glow discharge.
Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 2072
3.97 - - 1550 Ex W - W - RF-R Sapphire excellent in E-beam; forms smooth, hard films. n = 1.66
Aluminum Phosphide AlP 2000
2.42 - - - - - - - - RF -
Aluminum, 2% Silicon Al2%Si 640
2.69 - - 1010 - - - - TiB2-BN RF, DC Wire feed and flash. Difficult from dual sources.
Antimony Sb 630 S 6.68 279 345 425 P Mo,*** Ta*** Mo, Ta Mo, Ta BN, C, Al2O3 RF, DC Toxic. Evaporates well.
Antimony Oxide Sb2O3 656 S 5.2 - - ~300 G Pt - Pt BN, Al2O3 RF-R Toxic. Decomposes on W. n = 2.09, 2.18, 2.35
Antimony Selenide Sb2Se3 611
- - - - - Ta - - C RF Stoichiometry variable.
Antimony Sulfide Sb2S3 550
4.64 - - ~200 G Mo, Ta - Mo, Ta Al2O3 - No decomposition. n=3.19, 4.06, 4.3
Antimony Telluride Sb2Te3 629
6.50 - - 600 - - - - C RF Decomposes over 750°C.
Arsenic As 817 S 5.73 107 150 210 P C - - Al2O3, BeO, VC - Toxic. Sublimes rapidly at low temperature.
Arsenic Oxide As2O3 312
3.74 - - - - - - - - - -
Arsenic Selenide As2Se3 ~360
4.75 - - - - - - - Al2O3, Q RF -
Arsenic Sulfide As2S3 300
3.43 - - ~400 F Mo - - Al2O3, Q RF n = 2.4, 2.81, 3.02
Arsenic Telluride As2Te3 362
- - - - - Flash - - - - JVST. 1973;10:748.
Barium Ba 725
3.51 545 627 735 F W, Ta, Mo W W Metals RF Wets without alloying reacts with ceramics.
Barium Chloride BaCl2 963
3.92 - - ~650 - Ta, Mo - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.73
Barium Fluoride BaF2 1355 S 4.89 - - ~700 G Mo - - - RF n = 1.47
Barium Oxide BaO 1918
5.72 - - ~1300 P Pt - Pt Al2O3 RF, RF-R Decomposes slightly. n = 1.98
Barium Sulfide BaS 1200
4.25 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF n = 2.16
Barium Titanate BaTiO3 - D 6.02 - - - - - - - - RF Gives Ba. Co-evap. from 2 sources or sputter. n = 2.40
Beryllium Be 1278
1.85 710 878 1000 Ex W, Ta W W BeO, C, VC RF, DC Wets W/Mo/Ta. Powder and oxides toxic. Evaporates easily.
Beryllium Carbide Be2C >2100 D 1.90 - - - - - - - - - -
Beryllium Chloride BeCl2 405
1.90 - - ~150 - - - - - RF -
Beryllium Fluoride BeF2 800 S 1.99 - - ~200 G - - - - - Toxic. n = <1.33
Beryllium Oxide BeO 2530
3.01 - - 1900 G - - W - RF, RF-R Toxic. No decomposition from E-beam guns. n=1.72
Bismuth Bi 271
9.80 330 410 520 Ex W, Mo, Ta W W Al2O3, VC DC, RF Toxic vapor. Resistivity high. No shorting of baskets.
Bismuth Fluoride BiF3 727 S 5.32 - - ~300 - - - - Gr RF n = 1.74
Bismuth Oxide Bi2O3 860
8.55 - - ~1400 P Pt - Pt - RF, RF-R Toxic vapor. n = 1.91
Bismuth Selenide Bi2Se3 710 D 6.82 - - ~650 G - - - Gr, Q RF Co-evaporate from two sources or sputter.
Bismuth Sulfide Bi2S3 685 D 7.39 - - - - - - - - RF n = 1.34, 1.46
Bismuth Telluride Bi2Te3 573
7.7 - - ~600 - W, Mo - - Gr, Q RF Co-evaporate from two sources or sputter.
Bismuth Titanate Bi2Ti2O7 - D - - - - - - - - - RF Sputter or co-evaporate from two sources in 10-2 Torr oxygen.
Boron B 2300
2.34 1278 1548 1797 Ex C - - C, VC RF Explodes with rapid cooling. Forms carbide with container.
Boron Carbide B4C 2350
2.52 2500 2580 2650 Ex - - - - RF Similar to chromium.
Boron Nitride BN ~3000 S 2.25 - - ~1600 P - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes under sputtering; reactive preferred.
Boron Oxide B2O3 ~450
1.81 - - ~1400 G Pt, Mo - - - - n = 1.48
Boron Sulfide B2S3 310
1.55 - - 800 - - - - Gr RF -
Cadmium Cd 321
8.64 64 120 180 P W, Mo, Ta - W, Mo, Ta Al2O3, Q DC, RF Bad for vacuum systems. Low sticking coefficient.
Cadmium Antimonide Cd3Sb2 456
6.92 - - - - - - - - - -
Cadmium Arsenide Cd3As2 721
6.21 - - - - - - - Q RF -
Cadmium Bromide CdBr2 567
5.19 - - ~300 - - - - - - -
Cadmium Chloride CdCl2 568
4.05 - - ~400 - - - - - - -
Cadmium Fluoride CdF2 1100
6.64 - - ~500 - - - - - RF n = 1.56
Cadmium Iodide CdI2 387
5.67 - - ~250 - - - - - - -
Cadmium Oxide CdO >1500 D 6.95 - - ~530 - - - - - RF-R Disproportionates. n = 2.49
Cadmium Selenide CdSe >1350 S 5.81 - - 540 G Mo, Ta - - Al2O3, Q RF Evaporates easily. n = 2.4
Cadmium Sulfide CdS 1750 S 4.82 - - 550 F W, Mo, Ta - W Al2O3, Q RF Sticking coefficient affected by substrate temperature. Stoichiometry variable. n = 2.51, 2.53
Cadmium Telluride CdTe 1121
5.85 - - 450 - W, Mo, Ta W W, Ta, Mo - RF Stoichiometry depends on substrate temperature. n~ 2.6
Calcium Ca 839 S 1.54 272 357 459 P W W W Al2O3, Q - Corrodes in air.
Calcium Fluoride CaF2 1423
3.18 - - ~1100 - W, Mo, Ta W, Mo, Ta W, Mo, Ta Q RF Rate control important. Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.43
Calcium Oxide CaO 2614
~3.3 - - ~1700 - W, Mo - - ZrO2 RF, RF-R Forms volatile oxides with tungsten and molybdenum. n = 1.84
Calcium Silicate CaSiO3 1540
2.91 - - - G - - - Q RF n = 1.61, 1.66
Calcium Sulfide CaS - D 2.5 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.14
Calcium Titanate CaTiO3 1975
4.10 1490 1600 1690 P - - - - RF Disproportionates except in sputtering. n = 2.34
Calcium Tungstate CaWO4 -
6.06 - - - G W - - - RF n = 1.92
Carbon C ~3652 S 1.8-2.1 1657 1867 2137 Ex - - - - RF E-beam preferred. Arc evaporation. Poor film adhesion.
Cerium Ce 798
~6.70 970 1150 1380 G W, Ta W W, Ta Al2O3, BeO, VC DC, RF -
Cerium Fluoride CeF3 1460
6.16 - - ~900 G W, Mo, Ta - Mo, Ta - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n ~ 1.7
Cerium (III) Oxide Ce2O3 1692
6.86 - - - F W - - - - Alloys with source. Use 0.015"-0.020" tungsten boat. n = 1.95
Cerium (IV) Oxide CeO2 ~2600
7.13 1890 2000 2310 G W - - - RF, RF-R Very little decomposition.
Cesium Cs 28
1.88 -16 22 80 - SS - - Q - -
Cesium Bromide CsBr 636
3.04 - - ~400 - W - - - RF n = 1.70
Cesium Chloride CsCl 645
3.99 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.64
Cesium Fluoride CsF 682
4.12 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.48
Cesium Hydroxide CsOH 272
3.68 - - 550 - Pt - - - - -
Cesium Iodide CsI 626
4.51 - - ~500 - W - - Pt, Q RF n = 1.79
Chiolote Na5Al3F14 -
2.9 - - ~800 - Mo, W - - - RF n = 1.33
Chromium Cr 1857 S 7.20 837 977 1157 G ** W W VC RF, DC Films very adherent. High rates possible.
Chromium Boride CrB 2760(?)
6.17 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Chromium Bromide CrBr2 842
4.36 - - 550 - Incl - - - RF -
Chromium Carbide Cr3C2 1980
6.68 - - ~2000 F W - - - RF, DC -
Chromium Chloride CrCl2 824
2.88 - - 550 - Fe, Incl - - - RF -
Chromium Oxide Cr2O3 2266
5.21 - - ~2000 G W, Mo - W - RF, RF-R Disproportionates to lower oxides; reoxidizes at 600°C in air.n = 2.55
Chromium Silicide Cr3Si2 -
5.5 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Chromium-Silicon Monoxide Cr-SiO - S * * * * G W - W - DC, RF Flash.
Cobalt Co 1495
8.9 850 990 1200 Ex W, Nb - W Al2O3, BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals.
Cobalt Bromide CoBr2 678 D 4.91 - - 400 - Incl - - - RF -
Cobalt Chloride CoCl2 724 D 3.36 - - 472 - Incl - - - RF -
Cobalt Oxide CoO 1795
6.45 - - - - - - - - DC-R, RF-R Sputter preferred.
Copper Cu 1083
8.92 727 857 1017 Ex Mo W W Al2O3, Mo, Ta DC, RF Adhesion poor. Use interlayer (Cr). Evaporates using any source material.
Copper Chloride CuCl 430
4.14 - - ~600 - - - - - RF n = 1.93
Copper Oxide Cu2O 1235 S 6.0 - - ~600 G Ta - - Al2O3 DC-R, RF-R n = 2.71
Copper Sulfide Cu2S 1100
5.6 - - - - - - - - - -
Cryolite Na3AlF6 1000
2.9 1020 1260 1480 Ex W, Mo, Ta - W, Mo, Ta VC RF Large chunks reduce spitting. Little decomposition.
Dysprosium Dy 1412
8.55 625 750 900 G Ta - - - RF, DC -
Dysprosium Fluoride DyF3 1360 S - - - ~800 G Ta - - - RF -
Dysprosium Oxide Dy2O3 2340
7.81 - - ~1400 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Erbium Er 1529 S 9.07 650 775 930 G W, Ta - - - DC, RF -
Erbium Fluoride ErF3 1350
- - - ~750 - Mo - - - RF JVST. 1985;A3(6):2320.
Erbium Oxide Er2O3 Infus.
8.64 - - ~1600 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Europium Eu 822 S 5.24 280 360 480 F W, Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC Low tantalum solubility.
Europium Fluoride EuF2 1380
6.50 - - ~950 - Mo - - - RF -
Europium Oxide Eu2O3 -
7.42 - - ~1600 G Ir, Ta, W - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Films clear and hard.
Europium Sulfide EuS -
5.75 - - - G - - - - RF -
Material Symbol MP
S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given
Vap. Press. (Torr)
Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments
10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam
Thermal Sources
Boat Coil Basket Crucible
Gadolinium Gd 1313
7.90 760 900 1175 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC High tantalum solubility.
Gadolinium Carbide GdC2 -
- - - 1500 - - - - C RF Decomposes under sputtering.
Gadolinium Oxide Gd2O3 2330
7.41 - - - F Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Gallium Ga 30
5.90 619 742 907 G - - - Al2O3, BeO, Q - Alloys with refractory metals. Use E-beam gun.
Gallium Antimonide GaSb 710
5.6 - - - F W, Ta - - - RF Flash evaporate.
Gallium Arsenide GaAs 1238
5.3 - - - G W, Ta - - C RF Flash evaporate.
Gallium Nitride GaN 800 S 6.1 - - ~200 - - - - Al2O3 RF, RF-R Evaporates gallium in 10-3 Torr nitrogen.
Gallium Oxide Ga2O3 1900
6.44 - - - - Pr, W - - - RF Loses oxygen. n = 1.92
Gallium Phosphide GaP 1540
4.1 - 770 920 - W, Ta - W Q RF Does not decompose. Rate control important.
Germanium Ge 937
5.35 812 957 1167 Ex W, C, Ta - - Q, Al2O3 DC, RF Excellent films from E-beam guns.
Germanium Nitride Ge3N2 450 S 5.2 - - ~650 - - - - - RF-R Sputtering preferred.
Germanium (II) Oxide GeO 710 S - - - 500 - - - - Q RF n = 1.61
Germanium (III) Oxide GeO2 1086
6.24 - - ~625 G Ta, Mo - W, Mo Q, Al2O3 RF-R Similar to SiO; film predominantly GeO.
Germanium Telluride GeTe 725
6.20 - - 381 - W, Mo - W Q, Al2O3 RF -
Glass, Schott 8329 - -
2.20 - - - Ex - - - - RF Evaporable alkali glass. Melt in air before evaporating.
Gold Au 1064
19.32 807 947 1132 Ex W W W*** Mo*** Al2O3, BN, VC W DC, RF, Films soft, not very adherent.
Hafnium Hf 2227
13.31 2160 2250 3090 G - - - - DC, RF -
Hafnium Boride HfB2 3250
10.5 - - - - - - - - DC, RF -
Hafnium Carbide HfC ~3890 S 12.20 - - ~2600 - - - - - DC, RF -
Hafnium Nitride HfN 3305
- - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R -
Hafnium Oxide HfO2 2758
9.68 - - ~2500 F W - - - DC, RF, RF-R Film HfO.
Hafnium Silicide HfSi2 1750
7.2 - - - - - - - - RF -
Holmium Ho 1474
8.80 650 770 950 G W, Ta W W - - -
Holmium Fluoride HoF3 1143
- - - ~800 - - - - Q DC, RF -
Holmium Oxide Ho2O3 2370
8.41 - - - - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Inconel Ni/Cr/Fe 1425
8.5 - - - G W W W - DC, RF Use fine wire wrapped on tungsten. Low rate required for smooth films.
Indium In 157
7.30 487 597 742 Ex W, Mo - W Gr, Al2O3 DC, RF Wets tungsten and copper. Use molybdenum liner.
Indium Antimonide InSb 535
5.8 - - - - W - - - RF Decomposes; sputter preferred; or co-evaporate
Indium Arsenide InAs 943
5.7 780 870 970 - W - - - RF -
Indium Nitride InN 1200
7.0 - - - - - - - - - -
Indium (I) Oxide In2O ~600 S 6.99 - - 650 - - - - - RF Decomposes under sputtering.
Indium (III) Oxide In2O3 850
7.18 - - ~1200 G W, Pt - - Al2O3 - -
Indium Phosphide InP 1070
4.8 - 630 730 - W, Ta - W, Ta Gr RF Deposits are phosphorus rich.
Indium Selenide In2Se3 890
5.67 - - - - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources; flash.
Indium (I) Sulfide In2S 653
5.87 - - 650 - - - - Gr RF -
Indium (II) Sulfide InS 692 S 5.18 - - 650 - - - - Gr RF -
Indium (III) Sulfide In2S3 1050 S 4.90 - - 850 - - - - Gr RF Film In2S.
Indium (II) Telluride InTe 696
6.29 - - - - - - - - - -
Indium (III) Telluride In2Te3 667
5.78 - - - - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources; flash.
Indium Tin Oxide In2O3-SnO2 1800 S - - - - - - - - - - -
Iridium Ir 2410
22.42 1850 2080 2380 F - - - ThO2 DC, RF -
Iron Fe 1535
7.86 858 998 1180 Ex W W W Al2O3, BeO DC, RF Attacks tungsten. Films hard, smooth. Preheat gently to outgas.
Iron Bromide FeBr2 684 D 4.64 - - 561 - - - - Fe RF -
Iron Chloride FeCl2 670 S 3.16 - - 300 - - - - Fe RF n = 1.57
Iron Iodide FeI2 -
5.32 - - 400 - - - - Fe RF -
Iron (II) Oxide FeO 1369
5.7 - - - P - - - - RF, RF-R Decomposes; sputtering preferred. n=2.32
Iron (III) Oxide Fe2O3 1565
5.24 - - - G W - W - - Disproportionates to Fe3O4 at 1530°C. n = 3.01
Iron Sulfide FeS 1193 D 4.74 - - - - - - - Al2O3 RF Decomposes.
Kanthal FeCrAl -
7.1 - - - - W W W - DC, RF -
Lanthanum La 921
6.15 990 1212 1388 Ex W, Ta - - Al2O3 RF Films will burn in air if scraped.
Lanthanum Boride LaB6 2210 D 2.61 - - - G - - - - RF -
Lanthanum Bromide LaBr3 783
5.06 - - - - - - Ta - RF n=1.94. Hygroscopic.
Lanthanum Fluoride LaF3 1490 S ~6.0 - - 900 G Ta, Mo - Ta - RF No decomposition. n ~1.6
Lanthanum Oxide La2O3 2307
6.51 - - 1400 G W, Ta - - - RF Loses oxygen. n~1.73
Lead Pb 328
11.34 342 427 497 Ex W, Mo W W, Ta Al2O3, Q DC, RF Toxic.
Lead Bromide PbBr2 373
6.66 - - ~300 - - - - - - -
Lead Chloride PbCl2 501
5.85 - - ~325 - Pt - - Al2O3 RF Little decomposition.
Lead Fluoride PbF2 855 S 8.24 - - ~400 - W, Pt, Mo - - BeO RF n = 1.75
Lead Iodide PbI2 402
6.16 - - ~500 - Pt - - Q - -
Lead Oxide PbO 886
9.53 - - ~550 - Pt - - Q, Al2O3 RF-R No decomposition. n ~2.6
Lead Selenide PbSe 1065 S 8.10 - - ~500 - W, Mo - W Gr, Al2O3 RF -
Lead Stannate PbSnO3 1115
8.1 670 780 905 P Pt - Pt Al2O3 RF Disproportionates.
Lead Sulfide PbS 1114 S 7.5 - - 500 - W - W, Mo Q, Al2O3 RF Little decomposition. n = 3.92
Lead Telluride PbTe 917
8.16 780 910 1050 - Mo, Pt, Ta - - Al2O3, Gr RF Vapors toxic. Deposits aretellurium rich. Sputtering preferred or co-evaporate from two sources.
Lead Titanate PbTiO3 -
7.52 - - - - Ta - - - RF -
Lithium Li 181
0.53 227 307 407 G Ta, SS - - Al2O3, BeO - Metal reacts quickly in air.
Lithium Bromide LiBr 550
3.46 - - ~500 - Ni - - - RF n = 1.78
Lithium Chloride LiCl 605
2.07 - - 400 - Ni - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.66
Lithium Fluoride LiF 845
2.64 875 1020 1180 G Ni, Ta, Mo, W - - Al2O3 RF Rate control important for optical films. Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.39
Lithium Iodide LiI 449
4.08 - - 400 - Mo, W - - - RF n = 1.96
Lithium Oxide Li2O >1700
2.01 - - 850 - Pt, Ir - - - RF n = 1.64
Lutetium Lu 1663
9.84 - - 1300 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC -
Lutetium Oxide Lu2O3 -
9.42 - - 1400 - Ir - - - RF Decomposes.
Material Symbol MP
S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given
Vap. Press. (Torr)
Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments
10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam
Thermal Sources
Boat Coil Basket Crucible
Magnesium Mg 649 S 1.74 185 247 327 G W, Mo, Ta, Cb W W Al2O3, VC DC, RF Extremely high rates possible.
Magnesium Aluminate MgAl2O4 2135
3.6 - - - G - - - - RF Natural spinel. n = 1.72
Magnesium Bromide MgBr2 700
3.72 - - ~450 - Ni - - - RF Decomposes.
Magnesium Chloride MgCl2 714
2.32 - - 400 - Ni - - - RF Decomposes. n = 1.67
Magnesium Fluoride MgF2 1261
2.9-3.2 - - 1000 Ex Mo, Ta - - Al2O3 RF Rate control and substrate heat important for optical films. Reacts with tungsten. Excellent with molybdenum. n = 1.38
Magnesium Iodide MgI2 <637 D 4.43 - - 200 - Ir - - - RF -
Magnesium Oxide MgO 2852
3.58 - - 1300 G - - - C, Al2O3 RF, RF-R Evaporates in 10-3 Torr oxygen for stoichiometry. Tungsten gives volatile oxides. n~1.7
Manganese Mn 1244 S 7.20 507 572 647 G W, Ta, Mo W W Al2O3, BeO DC, RF -
Manganese Bromide MnBr2 - D 4.39 - - 500 - Incl - - - RF -
Manganese Chloride MnCl2 650
2.98 - - 450 - Incl - - - RF -
Manganese (III) Oxide Mn2O3 1080
4.50 - - - - - - - - - -
Manganese (IV) Oxide MnO2 535
5.03 - - - P W - W - RF-R Loses oxygen at 535°C.
Manganese Sulfide MnS - D 3.99 - - 1300 - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.70
Mercury Hg -39
13.55 -68 -42 -6 - - - - - - -
Mercury Sulfide HgS 584 S 8.10 - - 250 - - - - Al2O3 RF Decomposes. n = 2.85, 3.20
Molybdenum Mo 2610
10.2 1592 1822 2117 Ex - - - - DC, RF Films smooth, hard. Careful degas required.
Molybdenum Boride MoB2 2100
7.12 - - - P - - - - RF, DC -
Molybdenum Carbide Mo2C 2687
8.9 - - - F - - - - RF, DC Evaporation of Mo(CO)6 yields Mo2C.
Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2 1185
4.80 - - ~50 - - - - - RF -
Molybdenum Oxide MoO3 795 S 4.69 - - ~900 - Mo, Pt - Mo Al2O3, BN RF Slight oxygen loss. n = 1.9
Molybdenum Silicide MoSi2 2050
6.31 - - - - W - - - RF Decomposes.
Neodymium Nd 1021
7.01 731 871 1062 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 DC, RF Low tantalum solubility.
Neodymium Fluoride NdF3 1410
6.5 - - ~900 G Mo, W - Mo, Ta Al2O3 RF Very little decomposition. n = 1.6
Neodymium Oxide Nd2O3 ~1900
7.24 - - ~1400 G Ta, W - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen, films clear. E-beam preferred. n = 1.79
Nichrome IV Ni/Cr 1395
8.50 847 987 1217 Ex *** W W, Ta Al2O3, VC, BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals.
Nickel Ni 1455
8.90 927 1072 1262 Ex W W W Al2O3, BeO, VC DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Forms smooth adherent films.
Nickel Bromide NiBr2 963 S 5.10 - - 362 - Incl - - - RF -
Nickel Chloride NiCl2 1001 S 3.55 - - 444 - Incl - - - RF -
Nickel Oxide NiO 1984
6.67 - - ~1470 - - - - Al2O3 RF-R Dissociates on heating. n = 2.18
Niobium Nb 2468
8.57 1728 1977 2287 Ex W - - - DC, RF Attacks tungsten source. n = 1.80
Niobium Boride NbB2 2900(?)
6.97 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Niobium Carbide NbC 3500
7.6 - - - F - - - - RF, DC -
Niobium Nitride NbN 2573
8.4 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R Reactive. Evaporates niobium in 10-3 Torr nitrogen.
Niobium (II) Oxide NbO -
7.30 - - 1100 - Pt - - - RF -
Niobium (III) Oxide Nb2O3 1780
7.5 - - - - W - W - RF, DC, RF-R -
Niobium (V) Oxide Nb2O5 1485
4.47 - - - - W - W - RF, RF-R n = 1.95
Niobium Telluride NbTex -
7.6 - - - - - - - - RF Composition variable.
Niobium-Tin Nb3Sn -
- - - - Ex - - - - RF, DC Co-evaporate from two sources.
Osmium Os 2700
22.48 2170 2430 2760 F - - - - DC, RF -
Osmium Oxide Os2O3 - D - - - - - - - - - - Deposits osmium in 10-3 Torr oxygen.
Palladium Pd 1554 S 12.02 842 992 1192 Ex W W W Al2O3, BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Rapid evaporation suggested.
Palladium Oxide PdO 870
9.70 - - 575 - - - - Al2O3 RF-R Decomposes.
Parylene C8H8 300-400
1.1 - - - - - - - - - Vapor-depositable plastic.
Permalloy Ni/Fe 1395
8.7 947 1047 1307 G W - - Al2O3, VC DC F, Film low in nickel.
Phosphorus P 44.1
1.82 327 361 402 - - - - Al2O3 - Material reacts violently in air. n = 2.14
Phosphorus Nitride P3N5 -
2.51 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R -
Platinum Pt 1772
21.45 1292 1492 1747 Ex W W W C, ThO2 DC, RF Alloys with metals. Films soft, poor adhesion.
Platinum Oxide PtO2 450
10.2 - - - - - - - - RF-R -
Plutonium Pu 641
19.84 - - - - W - - - - Toxic, radioactive.
Polonium Po 254
9.4 117 170 244 - - - - Q - Radioactive.
Potassium K 63
0.86 23 60 125 - Mo - - Q - Metal reacts rapidly in air. Preheat gently to outgas.
Potassium Bromide KBr 734
2.75 - - ~450 - Ta, Mo - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.559
Potassium Chloride KCl 770 S 1.98 - - 510 G Ta, Ni - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.49
Potassium Fluoride KF 858
2.48 - - ~500 - - - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.363
Potassium Hydroxide KOH 360
2.04 - - ~400 - Pt - - - - Preheat gently to outgas.
Potassium Iodide KI 681
3.13 - - ~500 - Ta - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.677
Praseodymium Pr 931
6.77 800 950 1150 G Ta - - - RF, DC -
Praseodymium Oxide Pr2O3 - D 7.07 - - 1400 G Ir - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Radium Ra 700
5 (?) 246 320 416 - - - - - - -
Rhenium Re 3180
20.53 1928 2207 2571 P - - - - DC, RF Fine wire will self-evaporate.
Rhenium Oxide ReO3 - D ~7 - - - - - - - - RF Evaporate rhenium in 10-3 Torr
Rhodium Rh 1966
12.4 1277 1472 1707 G W W W ThO2, VC DC, RF E-beam gun preferred.
Rubidium Rb 39
1.48 -3 37 111 - - - - Q DC, RF -
Rubidium Chloride RbCl 718
2.09 - - ~550 - - - - Q RF n = 1.493
Rubidium Iodide RbI 647
3.55 - - ~400 - - - - Q RF n = 1.647
Ruthenium Ru 2310
12.3 1780 1990 2260 P W - - - DC, RF -
Material Symbol MP
S/D g/cm3 Temp.(°C) for Given
Vap. Press. (Torr)
Evaporation Techniques Sputter Comments
10-8 10-6 10-4 E-Beam Thermal Sources
Boat Coil Basket Crucible
Samarium Sm 1074
7.52 373 460 573 G Ta - - Al2O3 RF, DC -
Samarium Oxide Sm2O3 2350
8.35 - - - G Ir - - ThO2 RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Films smooth, clear.
Samarium Sulfide Sm2S3 1900
5.73 - - - G - - - - - -
Scandium Sc 1541
2.99 714 837 1002 Ex W - - Al2O3, BeO RF Alloys with tantalum.
Scandium Oxide Sc2O3 2300
3.86 - - ~400 F - - - - RF, RF-R -
Selenium Se 217
4.81 89 125 170 G W, Mo W, Mo W, Mo Al2O3, VC RF, DC Toxic. Bad for vacuum systems.
Silicon Si 1410
2.32 992 1147 1337 F W, Ta - - BeO, Ta, VC DC, RF Alloys with tungsten; use heavy tungsten boat. SiO produced above 4 x 10-6 Torr. E-beam best.
Silicon Boride SiB6 -
- - - - P - - - - RF -
Silicon Carbide SiC ~2700 S, D 3.22 - - 1000 - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred. n = 2.654, 2.697
Silicon Nitride Si3N4 1900
3.44 - - ~800 - - - - - RF, RF-R -
Silicon (II) Oxide SiO >1702 S 2.13 - - 850 F Ta W W Ta RF, RF-R For resistance evaporation, use baffle box and low rate. n = 1.6
Silicon (IV) Oxide SiO2 1610
~2.65 * * 1025* Ex - - - Al2O3 RF Quartz excellent in E-beam. n = 1.544, 1.553
Silicon Selenide SiSe -
- - - 550 - - - - Q RF -
Silicon Sulfide SiS 940 S 1.85 - - 450 - - - - Q RF n = 1.853
Silicon Telluride SiTe2 -
4.39 - - 550 - - - - Q RF -
Silver Ag 962
10.5 847 958 1105 Ex W Mo Ta, Mo Al2O3 W DC, RF
Silver Bromide AgBr 432 D 6.47 - - ~380 - Ta - - Q RF n = 2.253
Silver Chloride AgCl 455
5.56 - - ~520 - Mo, Pt - Mo Q RF n = 2.07
Silver Iodide AgI 558
6.01 - - ~500 - Ta - - - RF n = 2.21
Sodium Na 98
0.97 74 124 192 - Ta, SS - - Q - Preheat gently to outgas. Metal reacts quickly in air.n = 4.22
Sodium Bromide NaBr 747
3.20 - - ~400 - - - - Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.641
Sodium Chloride NaCl 801
2.17 - - 530 G Ta, W, Mo - - Q RF Copper oven, little decomposition.
Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.544
Sodium Cyanide NaCN 564
- - - ~550 - Ag - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.452
Sodium Fluoride NaF 993
2.56 - - ~1000 G Mo, Ta, W - - BeO RF Preheat gently to outgas. No decomposition. n = 1.336
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 318
2.13 - - ~470 - Pt - - - - Preheat gently to outgas. n = 1.358
Spinel MgO35Al2O3 -
8.0 - - - G - - - - RF n = 1.72
Strontium Sr 769
2.6 239 309 403 P W, Ta, Mo W W VC RF, DC Wets but does not alloy with refractory metals. May react in air.
Strontium Chloride SrCl2 875
3.05 - - - - - - - - - n = 1.650
Strontium Fluoride SrF2 1473
4.24 - - ~1000 - - - - Al2O3 RF n = 1.442
Strontium Oxide SrO 2430 S 4.7 - - 1500 - Mo - - Al2O3 RF Reacts with molybdenum and tungsten. n = 1.810
Strontium Sulfide SrS >2000
3.70 - - - - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.107
Sulfur S8 113
2.07 13 19 57 P W - W Q - Bad for vacuum systems. n = 1.957
Supermalloy Ni/Fe/Mo 1410
8.9 - - - G - - - - RF, DC Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources, permalloy and molybdenum.
Tantalum Ta 2996
16.6 1960 2240 2590 Ex - - - - DC, RF Forms good films.
Tantalum Boride TaB2 3000(?)
11.15 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Tantalum Carbide TaC 3880
13.9 - - ~2500 - - - - - RF, DC -
Tantalum Nitride TaN 3360
16.30 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R, DC Evaporates tantalum in 10-3 Torr nitrogen.
Tantalum Pentoxide Ta2O5 1872
8.2 1550 1780 1920 G Ta W W VC RF, RF-R Slight decomposition.Evaporates in 10-3 Torr oxygen. n = 2.6
Tantalum Sulfide TaS2 >1300
- - - - - - - - - RF -
Technetium Tc 2200
11.5 1570 1800 2090 - - - - - - -
Teflon PTFE 330
2.9 - - - - W - - - RF Baffled source. Film structure doubtful.
Tellurium Te 452
6.25 157 207 277 P W, Ta W W, Ta Al2O3, Q RF Toxic. Wets without alloying. n =1.002
Terbium Tb 1356
8.23 800 950 1150 Ex Ta - - Al2O3 RF -
Terbium Fluoride TbF3 1172
- - - ~800 - - - - - RF -
Terbium Oxide Tb2O3 2387
7.87 - - 1300 - Ir - - - RF Partially decomposes.
Terbium Peroxide Tb4O7 - D - - - - - Ta - - - RF Films TbO.
Thallium Tl 304
11.85 280 360 470 P W, Ta - W Al2O3, Q DC Very toxic. Wets freely.
Thallium Bromide TlBr 480 S 7.56 - - ~250 - Ta - - Q RF Toxic. n = 2.4 - 2.8
Thallium Chloride TlCl 430 S 7.00 - - ~150 - Ta - - Q RF n = 2.247
Thallium Iodide TlI 440 S 7.1 - - ~250 - - - - Q RF n = 2.78
Thallium Oxide Tl2O2 717
10.19 - - 350 - - - - - RF Disproportionates at 850°C to Tl2O.
Thorium Th 1875
11.7 1430 1660 1925 Ex W, Ta,Mo W W - - Toxic, radioactive.
Thorium Bromide ThBr4 610 S 5.67 - - - - Mo - - - - Toxic. n=2.47
Thorium Carbide ThC2 2655
8.96 - - ~2300 - - - - C RF, DC Radioactive.
Thorium Fluoride ThF4 >900
6.32 - - ~750 F Mo - W VC RF Radioactive.
Thorium Oxide ThO2 3220
9.86 - - ~2100 G W - - - RF, RF-R Radioactive.
Thorium Oxyfluoride ThOF2 900
9.1 - - - - Mo, Ta - - - - Radioactive. n = 1.52
Thorium Sulfide ThS2 1925
7.30 - - - - - - - - RF Sputtering preferred; or co-evaporate from two sources.
Thulium Tm 1545 S 9.32 461 554 680 G Ta - - Al2O3 DC -
Thulium Oxide Tm2O3 -
8.90 - - 1500 - Ir - - - RF Decomposes.
Tin Sn 232
7.28 682 807 997 Ex Mo W W Al2O3 DC, RF Wets molybdenum. Use tantalum liner in E-beam guns.
Tin Oxide SnO2 1630 S 6.95 - - ~1000 Ex W W W Q, Al2O3 RF, RF-R Films from tungsten are oxygen deficient, oxidize in air. n = 2.0
Tin Selenide SnSe 861
6.18 - - ~400 G - - - Q RF -
Tin Sulfide SnS 882
5.22 - - ~450 - - - - Q RF -
Tin Telluride SnTe 780 D 6.48 - - ~450 - - - - Q RF -
Titanium Ti 1660
4.5 1067 1235 1453 Ex W - - TiC DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals; evolves gas on first heating.
Titanium Boride TiB2 2900
4.50 - - - P - - - - RF, DC -
Titanium Carbide TiC 3140
4.93 - - ~2300 - - - - - RF, DC -
Titanium Nitride TiN 2930
5.22 - - - G Mo - - - RF, RF-R, DC Sputtering preferred. Decomposes with thermal evaporation.
Titanium (II) Oxide TiO 1750
4.93 - - ~1500 G W, Mo - - VC RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 2.2
Titanium (III) Oxide Ti2O3 2130 D 4.6 - - - G W - - - RF Decomposes.
Titanium (IV) Oxide TiO2 1830
4.26 - - ~1300 F W, Mo - W - RF, RF-R Suboxide, must be reoxidized to rutile. Tantalum reduces TiO2 to TiO and titanium. n = 2.616, 2.903
Tungsten W 3410
19.35 2117 2407 2757 G - - - - RF, DC Forms volatile oxides. Films hard and adherent.
Tungsten Boride WB2 ~2900
10.77 - - - P - - - - RF -
Tungsten Carbide W2C 2860
17.15 1480 1720 2120 Ex C - - - RF, DC -
Tungsten Disulfide WS2 1250 D 7.5 - - - - - - - - RF -
Tungsten Oxide WO3 1473 S 7.16 - - 980 G W, Pt - - - RF-R Preheat gently to outgas. Tungsten reduces oxide slightly. n = 1.68
Tungsten Selenide WSe2 -
9.0 - - - - - - - - RF -
Tungsten Silicide WSi2 >900
9.4 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Tungsten Telluride WTe3 -
9.49 - - - - - - - Q RF -
Uranium U 1132
19.05 1132 1327 1582 G Mo, W W W - - Films oxidize.
Uranium Carbide UC2 2350
11.28 - - 2100 - - - - C RF Decomposes.
Uranium Fluoride UF4 960
6.70 - - 300 - Ni - - - RF -
Uranium (III) Oxide U2O3 1300 D 8.30 - - - - W - W - RF-R Disproportionates at 1300°C to UO2.
Uranium (IV) Oxide UO2 2878
10.96 - - - - W - W - RF Tantalum causes decomposition.
Uranium Phosphide UP2 -
8.57 - - 1200 - Ta - - - RF Decomposes.
Uranium (II) Sulfide US >2000
10.87 - - - - - - - - - -
Uranium (IV) Sulfide US2 >1100
7.96 - - - - W - - - RF Slight decomposition.
Vanadium V 1890
5.96 1162 1332 1547 Ex W, Mo - - - DC, RF Wets molybdenum. E-beam-evaporated films preferred. n = 3.03
Vanadium Boride VB2 2400
5.10 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -
Vanadium Carbide VC 2810
5.77 - - ~1800 - - - - - RF, DC -
Vanadium Nitride VN 2320
6.13 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R, DC -
Vanadium (IV) Oxide VO2 1967 S 4.34 - - ~575 - - - - - RF, RF-R Sputtering preferred.
Vanadium (V) Oxide V2O5 690 D 3.36 - - ~500 - - - - Q RF n = 1.46, 1.52, 1.76
Vanadium Silicide VSi2 1700
4.42 - - - - - - - - RF -
Ytterbium Yb 819 S 6.96 520 590 690 G Ta - - - DC, RF -
Ytterbium Fluoride YbF3 1157
- - - ~800 - Mo - - - RF -
Ytterbium Oxide Yb2O3 2346 S 9.17 - - ~1500 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.
Yttrium Y 1522
4.47 830 973 1157 Ex W, Ta W W Al2O3 RF, DC High tantalum solubility.
Yttrium Aluminum Oxide Y3Al5O12 1990
- - - - G - W W - RF Films not ferroelectric.
Yttrium Fluoride YF3 1387
4.01 - - - - - - - - RF -
Yttrium Oxide Y2O3 2410
5.01 - - ~2000 G W - - C RF, RF-R Loses oxygen, films smooth and clear. n = 1.79
Zinc Zn 420
7.14 127 177 250 Ex Mo, W, Ta W W Al2O3, Q DC, RF Evaporates well under wide range ofconditions.
Zinc Antimonide Zn3Sb2 570
6.33 - - - - - - - - RF -
Zinc Bromide ZnBr2 394
4.20 - - ~300 - W - - C RF Decomposes. n= 1.545
Zinc Fluoride ZnF2 872
4.95 - - ~800 - Pt, Ta - - Q RF -
Zinc Nitride Zn3N2 -
6.22 - - - - Mo - - - RF Decomposes.
Zinc Oxide ZnO 1975
5.61 - - ~1800 F - - - - RF-R n = 2.008, 2.029
Zinc Selenide ZnSe >1100
5.42 - - 660 - Ta, W, Mo W,Mo W, Mo Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. Evaporates well. n = 2.89
Zinc Sulfide ZnS 1700 S 3.98 - - ~800 G Ta, Mo - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. Films partially decompose. Sticking coefficient varies with substrate temperature. n =2.356
Zinc Telluride ZnTe 1239
6.34 - - ~600 - Mo, Ta - - - RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = 3.56
Zirconium Zr 1852
6.49 1477 1702 1987 Ex W - - - RF, DC Alloys with tungsten. <|>Films oxidize readily.
Zirconium Boride ZrB2 ~3200
6.09 - - - G - - - - RF, DC -
Zirconium Carbide ZrC 3540
6.73 - - ~2500 - - - - - RF, DC -
Zirconium Nitride ZrN 2980
7.09 - - - - - - - - RF, RF-R, DC Reactively evaporates in 10-3 Torr nitrogen.
Zirconium Oxide ZrO2 ~2700
5.89 - - ~2200 G W - - - RF, RF-R Films oxygen deficient, clear and hard. n = 2.13, 2.19, 2.20
Zirconium Silicate ZrSiO4 2550
4.56 - - - - - - - - RF n = 1.92 - 1.96; 1.97 - 2.02
Zirconium Silicide ZrSi2 1700
4.88 - - - - - - - - RF, DC -