Electron Binding Energies

Electron binding energies in eV for the elements in their natural forms

Values compiled by Gwyn Williams

Last updated April 20, 1995

The energies are given relative to the vacuum level for rare gases and H, N, O, F, and Cl diatomic molecules; relative to the Fermi level for metals; and relative to the top of the valence band for semiconductors.

Values are take from J. A. Bearden and A. F. Burr, "Reevaluation of X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels," Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, (1967) p.125, except values marked '*' are from M. Cardona and L. Ley, Eds., Photoemission in Solids I: General Principles (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978) with additional corrections, and values marked with '+' are from J. C. Fuggle and N. Mårtensson, "Core-Level Binding Energies in Metals," J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 21, (1980) p.275.

Notes: (a) One-particle approximation not valid owing to short core-hole lifetime. (b) Values derived from Bearden and Burr.

Element  K        L-I      L-II     L-III    M-I      M-II     M-III    M-IV     M-V      N-I      N-II     N-III
         1s       2s       2p1/2    2p3/2    3s       3p1/2    3p3/2    3d3/2    3d5/2    4s       4p1/2    4p3/2
 1 H     13.6 
 2 He    24.6*
 3 Li    54.7*
 4 Be    111.5*
 5 B     188*
 6 C     284.2*
 7 N     409.9*   37.3*
 8 0     543.1*   41.6*
 9 F     696.7*
10 Ne    870.2*   48.5*    21.7*    21.6*
11 Na    1070.8+  63.5+    30.4+    30.5*
12 Mg    1303.0+  88.6*    49.6+    49.21
13 Al    1559.0   117.8*   72.9*    72.5*
14 Si    1839     149.7*b  99.8*    99.2*
15 P     2145.5   189*     136*     135*
16 S     2472     230.9    163.6*   162.5*
17 Cl    2822.0   270*     202*     200*
18 Ar    3205.9*  326.3*   250.6+   248.4*   29.3*    15.9*    15.7*
19 K     3608.4*  378.6*   297.3*   294.6*   34.8*    18.3*    18.3*
20 Ca    4038.5*  438.4+   349.7+   346.2+   44.3+    25.4+    25.4+
21 Sc    4492     498.0*   403.6*   398.7*   51.1*    28.3*    28.3*
22 Ti    4966     560.9+   460.2+   453.8+   58.7+    32.6+    32.6+
23 V     5465     626.7+   519.8+   512.1+   66.3+    37.2+    37.2+
24 Cr    5989     696.0+   583.8+   574.1+   74.1+    42.2+    42.2+
25 Mn    6539     769.1+   649.9+   638.7+   82.3+    47.2+    47.2+
26 Fe    7112     844.6+   719.9+   706.8+   91.3+    52.7+    52.7+
27 Co    7709     925.1+   793.2+   778.1+   101.0+   58.9+    59.9+
28 Ni    8333     1008.6+  870.0+   852.7+   110.8+   68.0+    66.2+
29 Cu    8979     1096.7+  952.3+   932.7    122.5+   77.3+    75.1+
30 Zn    9659     1196.2*  1044.9*  1021.8*  139.8*   91.4*    88.6*    10.2*    10.1*
31 Ga    10367    1299.0*b 1143.2+  1116.4+  159.51   103.5+   100.0+   18.7+    18.7+
32 Ge    11103    1414.6*b 1248.1*b 1217.0*b 180.1*   124.9*   120.8*   29.8*    29.2*
33 As    11867    1527.0*b 1359.1*b 1323.6*b 204.7*   146.2*   141.2*   41.7*    41.7*
34 Se    12658    1652.0*b 1474.3*b 1433.9*b 229.6*   166.5*   160.7*   55.5*    54.6*
35 Br    13474    1782*    1596*    1550*    257*     189*     182*     70*      69*
36 Kr    14326    1921     1730.9*  1678.4*  292.8*   222.2*   214.4    95.0*    93.8*    27.5*    14.1*    14.1*
37 Rb    15200    2065     1864     1804     326.7*   248.7*   239.1*   113.0*   112*     30.5*    16.3*    15.3*
38 Sr    16105    2216     2007     1940     358.7+   280.3+   270.0+   136.0+   134.2+   38.9+    21.6+    20.1+
39 Y     17038    2373     2156     2080     392.0*b  310.6*   298.8*   157.7+   155.8+   43.8*    24.4*    23.1*
40 Zr    17998    2532     2307     2223     430.3+   343.5+   329.8+   181.1+   178.8+   50.6+    28.5+    27.1+
41 Nb    18986    2698     2465     2371     466.6+   376.1+   360.6+   205.0+   202.3+   56.4+    32.6+    30.8+
42 Mo    20000    2866     2625     2520     506.3+   411.6+   394.0+   231.1+   227.9+   63.2+    37.6+    35.5+
43 Tc    21044    3043     2793     2677     544*     447.6*   417.7*   257.6*   253.9*   69.5*    42.3*    39.9*
44 Ru    22117    3224     2967     2838     586.1*   483.3+   461.5+   284.2+   280.0+   75.0+    46.3+    43.2+
45 Rh    23220    3412     3146     3004     628.1+   521.3+   496.5+   311.9+   307.2+   81.4*b   50.5+    47.3+
46 Pd    24350    3604     3330     3173     671.6+   559.9+   532.3+   340.5+   335.2+   87.1*b   55.7+a   50.9+
47 Ag    25514    3806     3524     3351     719.0+   603.8+   573.0+   374.0+   368.3    97.0+    63.7+    58.3+
48 Cd    26711    4018     3727     3538     772.0+   652.6+   618.4+   411.9+   405.2+   109.8+   63.9+a   63.9+a
49 In    27940    4238     3938     3730     827.2+   703.2+   665.3+   451.4+   443.9+   122.9+   73.5+a   73.5+a
50 Sn    29200    4465     4156     3929     884.7+   756.5+   714.6+   4g3.2+   484.9+   137.1+   83.6+a   83.6+a
51 Sb    30491    4698     4380     4132     940+     812.7+   766.4+   537.5+   528.2+   153.2+   95.6+a   95.6+a
52 Te    31814    4939     4612     4341     1006+    870.8+   820.8+   583.4+   573.0+   169.4+   103.3+a  103.3+a
53 I     33169    5188     4852     4557     1072*    931*     875*     630.8    619.3    186*     123*     123*
54 Xe    34561    5453     5107     4786     1148.7*  1002.1*  940.6*   689.0*   676.4*   213.2*   146.7    145.5*
55 Cs    35985    5714     5359     5012     1211*b   1071*    1003*    740.5*   726.6*   232.3*   172.4*   161.3*
56 Ba    37441    5989     5624     5247     1293*b   1137*b   1063*b   795.7+   780.5*   253.5+   192      178.6+
57 La    38925    6266     5891     5483     1362*b   1209*b   1128*b   853*     836*     274.7*   205.8    196.0*
58 Ce    40443    6548     6164     5723     1436*b   1274*b   1187*b   902.4*   883.8*   291.0*   223.2    206.5*
59 Pr    41991    6835     6440     5964     1511     1337     1242     948.3*   928.8*   304.5    236.3    217.6
60 Nd    43569    7126     6722     6208     1575     1403     1297     1003.3*  980.4*   319.2*   243.3    224.6
61 Pm    45184    7428     7013     6459     -        1471.4   1357     1052     1027     -        242      242
62 Sm    46834    7737     7312     6716     1723     1541     1419.8   1110.9*  1083.4*  347.2*   265.6    247.4
63 Eu    48519    8052     7617     6977     1800     1614     1481     1158.6*  1127.5*  360      284      257
64 Gd    50239    8376     7930     7243     1881     1688     1544     1221.9*  1189.6*  378.6*   286      271
65 Tb    51996    8708     8252     7514     1968     1768     1611     1276.9*  1241.1*  396.0*   322.4*   284.1*
66 Dy    53789    9046     8581     7790     2047     1842     1676     1333     1292*    414.2*   333.5*   293.2*
67 Ho    55618    9394     8918     8071     2128     1923     1741     1392     1351     432.4*   343.5    308.2*
68 Er    57486    9751     9264     8358     2206     2006     1812     1453     1409     449.8*   366.2    320.2*
69 Tm    59390    10116    9617     8648     2307     2090     1885     1515     1468     470.9*   385.9*   332.6*
70 Yb    61332    10486    9978     8944     2398     2173     1950     1576     1528     480.5*   388.7*   339.7*
71 Lu    63314    10870    10349    9244     2491     2264     2024     1639     1589     506.8*   412.4*   359.2*
72 Hf    65351    11271    10739    9561     2601     2365     2107     1716     1662     538*     438.2+   380.7+
73 Ta    67416    11682    11136    9881     2708     2469     2194     1793     1735     563.4+   463.4+   400.9+
74 W     69525    12100    11544    10207    2820     2575     2281     1949     1809     594.1+   490.4+   423.61
75 Re    71676    12527    11959    10535    2932     2682     2367     1949     1883     625.4+   518.7+   446.8+
76 Os    73871    12968    12385    10871    3049     2792     2457     2031     1960     658.2+   549.1+   470.7+
77 Ir    76111    13419    12824    11215    3174     2909     2551     2116     2040     691.1+   577.8+   495.8+
78 Pt    78395    13880    13273    11564    3296     3027     2645     2202     2122     725.4+   609.1+   519.4+
79 Au    80725    14353    13734    11919    3425     3148     2743     2291     2206     762.1+   642.7+   546.3+
80 Hg    83102    14839    14209    12284    3562     3279     2847     2385     2295     802.2+   680.2+   576.6+
81 Tl    85530    15347    14698    12658    3704     3416     2957     2485     2389     846.2+   720.5+   609.5+
82 Pb    88005    15861    15200    13035    3851     3554     3066     2586     2484     891.8+   761.9+   643.5+
83 Bi    90526    16388    15711    13419    3999     3696     3177     2688     2580     939+     805.2+   678.8+
84 Po    93105    16939    16244    13814    4149     3854     3302     2798     2683     995*     851*     705*
85 At    95730    17493    16785    14214    4317     4008     3426     2909     2787     1042*    886*     740*
86 Rn    98404    18049    17337    14619    4482     4159     3538     3022     2892     1097*    929*     768*
87 Fr    101137   18639    17907    15031    4652     4327     3663     3136     3000     1153*    980*     810*
88 Ra    103922   19237    18484    15444    4822     4490     3792     3248     3105     1208*    1058     879*
89 Ac    106755   19840    19083    15871    5002     4656     3909     3370     3219     1269*    1080*    890*
90 Th    109651   20472    19693    16300    5182     4830     4046     3491     3332     1330*    1168*    966.4+
91 Pa    112601   21105    20314    16733    5367     5001     4174     3611     3442     1387*    1224*    1007*
92 U     115606   21757    20948    17166    5548     5182     4303     3728     3552     1439*b   1271*b   1043+

Element  N-IV     N-V      N-VI     N-VII    O-I      O-II     O-III    O-IV     O-V      P-I      P-II     P-III
         4d3/2    4d5/2    4f5/2    4f7/2    5s       5p1/2    5p3/2    5d3/2    5d5/2    6s       6p1/2    6p3/2
48 Cd    11.7+    10.7+
49 In    17.7+    16.9+
50 Sn    24.9+    23.9+
51 Sb    33.3+    32.1+
52 Te    41.9+    40.4+
53 I     50.6     48.9
54 Xe    69.5*    67.5*    -        -        23.3*    13.4*    12.1*
55 Cs    79.8*    77.5*    -        -        22.7     14.2*    12.1*
56 Ba    92.6+    89.9+    -        -        30.3+    17.0+    14.8+
57 La    105.3*   102.5*   -        -        34.3*    19.3*    16.8*
58 Ce    109*     -        0.1      0.1      37.8     19.8*    17.0*
59 Pr    115.1*   115.1*   2.0      2.0      37.4     22.3     22.3
60 Nd    120.5*   120.5*   1.5      1.5      37.5     21.1     21.1
61 Pm    120      120      -        -        -        -        -
62 Sm    129      129      5.2      5.2      37.4     21.3     21.3
63 Eu    133      127.7*   0        0        32       22       22
64 Gd    -        142.6*   8.6*     8.6*     36       20       20
65 Tb    150.5*   150.5*   7.7*     2.4*     45.6*    28.7*    22.6*
66 Dy    153.6*   153.6*   8.0*     4.3*     49.9*    26.3     26.3
67 Ho    160*     160*     8.6*     5.2*     49.3*    30.8*    24.1*
68 Er    167.6*   167.6*   -        4.7*     50.6*    31.4*    24.7*
69 Tm    175.5*   175.5*   -        4.6      54.7*    31.8*    25.0*
70 Yb    191.2*   182.4*   2.5*     1.3*     52.0*    30.3*    24.1*
71 Lu    206.1*   196.3*   8.9*     7.5*     57.3*    33.6*    26.7*
72 Hf    220.0+   211.5+   15.9+    14.2+    64.2+    38*      29.9+
73 Ta    237.9+   226.4+   23.5+    21.6+    69.7+    42.2*    32.7+
74 W     255.9+   243.5+   33.6*    31.4+    75.6+    45.3*b   36.8+
75 Re    273.9+   260.5+   42.9*    40.5*    83+      45.6+    34.6*b
76 Os    293.1+   278.5+   53.4+    50.7+    84*      58*      44.5+
77 Ir    311.9+   296.3+   63.8+    60.8+    95.2*b   63.0*b   48.0+
78 Pt    331.6+   314.6+   74.5+    71.2+    101.7*b  65.3*b   51.7+
79 Au    353.2+   335.1+   87.6+    83.9+    107.2*b  74.2+    57.2+
80 Hg    378.2+   358.8+   104.0+   99.9+    127+     83.1+    64.5+    9.6+     7.8+
81 T1    405.7+   385.0+   122.2+   117.8+   136.0*b  94.6+    73.5+    14.7+    12.5+
82 Pb    434.3+   412.2+   141.7+   136.9+   147*b    106.4+   83.3+    20.7+    18.1+
83 Bi    464.0+   440.1+   162.3+   157.0+   159.3*b  119.0+   92.6+    26.9+    23.8+
84 Po    500*     473*     184*     184*     177*     132*     104*     31*      31*
85 At    533*     507      210*     210*     195*     148*     115*     40*      40*
86 Rn    567*     541*     238*     238*     214*     164*     127*     48*      48*      26
87 Fr    603*     577*     268*     268*     234*     182*     140*     58*      58*      34       15       15
88 Ra    636*     603*     299*     299*     254*     200*     153*     68*      68*      44       19       19
89 Ac    675*     639*     319*     319*     272*     215*     167*     80*      80*      -        -        -
90 Th    712.1+   675.2+   342.4+   333.1+   290*a    229*a    182*a    92.5+    85.4+    41.4+    24.5+    16.6+
91 Pa    743*     708*     371*     360*     310*     232*     232*     94*      94*      -        -        -
92 U     778.3+   736.2+   388.2*   377.4+   321*ab   257*ab   192*ab   102.8+   94.2+    43.9+    26.8+    16.8+