Summary Table of Surface Analytical Techniques©

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Analytical Technique Typical Applications Signal Detected Elements Detected Organic Information Detection Limits Depth Resolution Imaging/ Mapping Lateral Resolution (Probe Size)
Auger Surface analysis and high resolution depth profiling Auger electrons from near-surface atoms Li - U -- 0.1 - 1 at% <2 nm Yes 100 nm
FE Auger Surface analysis, microanalysis, microarea depth profiling Auger electrons from near-surface atoms Li - U -- 0.01 - 1 at% 2 - 6 nm Yes <15 nm
AFM/STM Surface imaging with near atomic resolution Atomic scale roughness -- -- -- 0.01 nm Yes 5 nm
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Analytical Technique Typical Applications Signal Detected Elements Detected Organic Information Detection Limits Depth Resolution Imaging/ Mapping Lateral Resolution (Probe Size)
micro-FTIR Identification of polymers, plastics, organic films, fibers, and liquids Infrared absorption H - U Molecular groups 0.1 - 100 ppm -- No 5 microns
TXRF Metallic contamination on semiconductor wafers Fluorescent X-rays S - U -- 8e9-1e12 at/cm2 5 nm Yes 10 mm
XPS/ESCA Surface analysis of organic and inorganic molecules Photoelectrons Li - U Chemical bonding 0.01 - 1 at% 1 - 10 nm Yes 75 microns - 2 mm
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Analytical Technique Typical Applications Signal Detected Elements Detected Organic Information Detection Limits Depth Resolution Imaging/ Mapping Lateral Resolution (Probe Size)
HFS Hydrogen in thin films (Quantitative) Forward scattered hydrogen atoms H, D -- 0.01 at% 50 nm No 2 mm x 10 mm
RBS Quantitative thin film composition and thickness Backscattered He atoms Li - U -- 1 - 10 at% (Z<20)
0.01-1 at% (20<Z<70)
0.01-0.001 at% (Z>70)
2 - 20 nm Yes 2 mm
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Analytical Technique Typical Applications Signal Detected Elements Detected Organic Information Detection Limits Depth Resolution Imaging/ Mapping Lateral Resolution (Probe Size)
SEM/EDS Imaging and elemental microanalysis Secondary and backscattered electrons and X-rays B - U -- 0.1 - 1 at% 1 - 5 micron (EDS) Yes 4.5 nm (SEM)
1 micron (EDS)
FE SEM High resolution imaging of polished precision cross sections Secondary and backscattered electrons -- -- -- -- Yes 1.5 nm
FE SEM (in lens) Ultra-high resolution imaging with unique contrast mechanism Secondary and backscattered electrons -- -- -- -- Yes 0.7 nm
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Analytical Technique Typical Applications Signal Detected Elements Detected Organic Information Detection Limits Depth Resolution Imaging/ Mapping Lateral Resolution (Probe Size)
SIMS Dopant and impurity depth profiling, surface, and microanalysis Secondary ions H - U -- 1e12 - 1e16 at/cm3 (ppb-ppm) 5 - 30 nm Yes 1 micron (Imaging), 30 micron (Depth profiling)
Quad SIMS Dopant and impurity depth profiling, surface, and microanalysis, insulators Secondary ions H - U -- 1e14 - 1e17 at/cm3 <5 nm Yes <5 micron (Imaging), 30 micron (Depth profiling)
TOF SIMS (Static SIMS) Surface microanalysis of polymers, plastics, and organics Secondary ions, atoms, molecules H - U Molecular ions to mass 10,000 <1 ppma, 1e9 at/cm2 1 monolayer, 5 nm (Depth profile) Yes 0.15 micron
MALDI Protein, peptide, and polymer molecular weight distribution Large molecular ions -- Molecular ions to mass 500,000 low femtomole to picomole -- No 50 micron
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