May 30, 2020:  祝贺俞书宏教授获得第二届全国创新争先奖章!
November 22, 2019: 祝贺俞书宏教授当选中国科学院院士!
December 2, 2019: Congratulations on the acceptance of our article entitled "Regioselective magnetization in semiconducting nanorods" accepted by Nature Nanotechnology. Congratulations to Taotao, Yi, Xiaoqing et al for their persistent and hard work on this project, where we discovered a double-buffer-layer engineering strategy to achieve regioselective nucleation of superparamagnetic nanodomains at one end of semiconducting nanorod.
November 4, 2019: Congratulations on the acceptance of our Communication entitled "Temperature-invariant superelastic and fatigue resistant carbon nanofiber aerogels" by Advanced Materials. Congratulations to Chao Li et al for their developing a new route for synthesis of temperature-invariant superelastic and fatigue resistant carbon nanofiber aerogels.
October 1, 2019: Our Perspective entitled "Recycling Valuable Elements from Chemical Synthesis Process of Nanomaterials: A Sustainable View" was accepted by ACS Mater. Lett.

"Lightweight, tough, and sustainable cellulose nanofiber-derived bulk structural materials with low thermal expansion coefficient, "

By: Qing-Fang Guan, Huai-Bin Yang, Zi-Meng Han, Li-Chuan Zhou, Yin-Bo Zhu, Zhang-Chi Ling, He-Bin Jiang, Peng-Fei Wang, Tao Ma, Heng-An Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*,

 Sci. Adv.  2020

"Temperature-invariant superelastic and fatigue resistant carbon nanofiber aerogels,"

By:Chao Li, Yan-Wei Ding, Bi-Cheng Hu, Zhen-Yu Wu, Huai-Ling Gao, Hai-Wei Liang*, Jia-Fu Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*,

Adv. Mater.2019