344 Multiplex Templating Process in One-Dimensional Nanoscale: Controllable Synthesis, Macroscopic Assemblies, and Applications,
Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46(7), 1450-1461.Most Read Articles: http://pubs.acs.org/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=achre4
343 Engineering Interface and Surface of Noble Metal Nanoparticle Nanotubes toward Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Fuel Cell Applications,
Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46(7), 1427-1437.342 Nanostructured metal chalcogenides: synthesis, modification, and applications in energy conversion and storage devices,
Min-Rui Gao, Yun-Fei Xu, Jun Jiang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42(7), 2986-3017. Chemistry of Functional Nanomaterials' themed issue. Invited Critical Review.Most Read Articles: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/cs#!mostreadarticles
Top 15 most-read Chem Soc Rev articles for 2013
ISI Highly Cited Paper
341 Stretchable Conductors Based on Silver Nanowires: Improved Performance through a Binary Network Design,
Jin Ge†, Hong-Bin Yao†, Xu Wang, Yin-Dong Ye, Jin-Long Wang, Zhen-Yu Wu, Jian-Wei Liu, Feng-Jia Fan, Huai-Ling Gao, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(6), 1654-1659. Selected as frontispiece paper.340 Ultralight, Flexible and Fire-Resistant Carbon Nanofiber Aerogels from Bacterial Cellulose,
Zhen-Yu Wu, Chao Li, Hai-Wei Liang, Jia-Fu Chen, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(10), 2925-2929
Selected as Inside Back CoverHighlighted by Chemical & Englineering News: "Carbon Aerogels Sop Up Hydrocarbons"
Highlighted by Nature China: Porous materials: All dreams turned to 'smoke'
http://www.nature.com/nchina/2013/130306/full/nchina.2013.19.htmlHighlighted by Materials Views: "New carbon nanotube aerogel with cheap materials"Highlighted by Frogheart: "Bacterial cellulose could suck up pollutants from oil spills"
Highlighted by Innovations Report: "Airy but thirsty: Ultralight, flexible, fire-resistant carbon nanotube aerogels from bacterial cellulose"
Highlighted by ChemistryViews: "New Aerogels: Airy but Thirsty"
Highlighted by Phys.Org: "Airy but thirsty: Ultralight, flexible, fire-resistant carbon nanotube aerogels from bacterial cellulose"
http://phys.org/news/2013-02-airy-thirsty-ultralight-flexible-fire-resistant.htmlhighlighted by ChemieXtra:"Leichte, flexible und feuerbeständige Nano-Aerogele aus bakterieller Cellulose"
ISI Highly Cited Paper
339 Ultrathin PtPdTe Nanowires as Superior Catalysts for Methanol Electrooxidation,
Hui-Hui Li, Shuo Zhao, Ming Gong, Chun-Hua Cui, Da He, Hai-Wei Liang, Liang Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(29), 7472-7476.338 Nickel/Nickel(II) Oxide Nanoparticles Anchored on Cobalt(IV) Diselenide Nanobelts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Production,
Yun-Fei Xu†, Min-Rui Gao†, Ya-Rong Zheng, Jun Jiang and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(33), 8546-8550.Selected as Frontispiece paper.
Hot Paper.
337 One-Pot Colloidal Chemistry Route to Homogeneous and Doped Colloidosomes,
Xue-Wei Xu, Xi-Mo Zhang, Chao Liu, Ying-Long Yang, Jian-Wei Liu, Huai-Ping Cong, Chun-Hua Dong, Xi-Feng Ren, and Shu-Hong Yu*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(35), 12928–12931.336 A Flexible and Highly Pressure Sensitive Graphene-Polyurethane Sponge Based on Fractured Microstructure Design,
Hong-Bin Yao,† Jin Ge,† Chang-feng Wang, Xu Wang, Wei Hu, Zhi-jun Zheng, Yong Ni, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25(46), 6692-6698. VIP Paper.Selected as Frontispiece paper.
Most Accessed Article in 9/2013. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)
Highlighted by Materials Views China: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2013/10/the-
335 Ultrathin Hetero-Nanowire Based Flexible Electronic Devices with Tunable Conductivity,
Jian-Wei Liu, Wei-Ran Huang, Ming Gong, Meng Zhang, Jin-Long Wang, Jing Zheng, Jie Xu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25(41), 5910-5915.Selected as frontispiece paper
Highlighted by Materials Views China: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2013/11/adjusta
334 A Nitrogen-Doped Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite with Synergistically Enhanced Electrochemical Activity,
Ping Chen†, Tian-Yuan Xiao†, Yu-Hong Qian, Shan-Shan Li, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25(23), 3192-3196.Most Accessed Article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4095/homepage/2089_mostaccessed.html
ISI Hot Paper
ISI Highly Cited Paper
333 Bacterial-Cellulose-Derived Carbon Nanofiber@MnO2 and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofiber Electrode Materials: An Asymmetric Supercapacitor with High Energy and Power Density,
Li-Feng Chen, Zhi-Hong Huang, Hai-Wei Liang, Qing-Fang Guan, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 4746–4752.332 Ultrathin W18O49 Nanowire Assemblies for Electrochromic Devices,
Jian-Wei Liu, Jing Zheng, Jin-Long Wang, Jie Xu, Hui-Hui Li, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nano Lett., 2013, 13(8), 3589–3593.331 Composition and Band-Gap Tunable Synthesis of Wurtzite-Derived Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4 Nanocrystals: Theoretical and Experimental Insights,
Feng-Jia Fan, Liang Wu, Ming Gong, Guang-yao Liu, Yi-Xiu Wang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Shi-you Chen*, Lin-Wang Wang, and Xin-Gao Gong,
ACS Nano 2013, 7(2), 1454-1463.330 Bio-Inspired Fabrication of Hierarchical FeOOH Nanostructure Array Films at the Air-Water Interface, Their Hydrophobicity and Application for Water Treatment,
Lei Liu, Liu-Qing Yang, Hai-Wei Liang, Huai-Ping Cong, Jun Jiang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
ACS Nano 2013, 7(2), 1368-1378Most Read Articles: http://pubs.acs.org/action/showMostReadArticlestopArticlesType=month&journalCode=ancac3
329 Flexible all-solid-state high-power supercapacitor fabricated with nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers derived from bacterial cellulose,
Li-Feng Chen, Zhi-Hong Huang, Hai-Wei Liang, Wei-Tang Yao, Zi-You Yu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Energy Environ. Sci. 2013, 6(11), 3331-3338.ISI Hot Paper
ISI Highly Cited Paper
328 Flexible graphene/polyaniline composite paper for high-performance supercapacitor,
Huai-Ping Cong, Xiao-Chen Ren, Ping Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Energy Environ. Sci. 2013, 6(4), 1185-1191. Selected as Front Cover.Most Read Articles: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ee#mostreadarticles
ISI Highly Cited Paper
327 Ultra-High Mobility p-Type CdS Nanowires: Surface Charge Transfer Doping and Photovoltaic Devices,
Fang-Ze Li, Lin-Bao Luo,* Qing-Dan Yang, Di Wu, Chao Xie, Biao Nie, Jian-Sheng Jie,* Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 3(5), 579-583.Highlighted by Materials Views (China)
326 Tuning Magnetic Property and Autophagic Response for Self-Assembled Ni-Co Alloy Nanocrystals,
Liang Dong, Yun Liu, Yang Lu, Li Zhang, Na Man, Liang Cao, Kai Ma, Duo An, Jun Lin, Yun-Jun Xu, Wei-Ping Xu, Wen-Bin Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, and Long-Ping Wen*,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23(47), 5930-5940.325 MnO Nanocrystals: A Platform for Integration of MRI and Genuine Autophagy Induction for Chemotherapy,
Yang Lu†, Li Zhang†, Jing Li, Yu-de Su, Yun Liu, Yun-Jun Xu, Liang Dong, Huai-Ling Gao, Jun Lin, Na Man, Peng-Fei Wei, Wei-Ping Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*, and Long-Ping Wen*,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23(12), 1534-1546.324 p-Type Beta-Silver Vanadate Nanoribbons for Nano-Electric Devices with Tunable Electrical Properties,
Mei Feng†, Lin-Bao Luo†, Biao Nie, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23(41), 5116-5122.Selected as Inside Front Cover.
323 Stretchable and Self-Healing Graphene Oxide-Polymer Composite Hydrogels: A Dual Network Design,
Huai-Ping Cong*, Ping Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Chem. Mater. 2013, 25(16), 3357-3362.322 Collodial Synthesis of Ternary AgFeS2 Nanocrystals and Their Transformation to Ag2S-Fe7S8 Heterodimers,
Shi-Kui Han, Chao Gu, Ming Gong, Ze-Ming Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Small 2013, 9(22), 3765–3769.321 PEGylated Upconversion Luminescent Hollow Nanospheres for Drug Delivery and In Vivo Imaging,
Liang Dong†, Duo An†, Ming Gong, Yang Lu, Huai-Ling Gao, Yun-Jun Xu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Small 2013, 9(19), 3235-3241.Most Accessed Article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1613-6829/homepage/2296_mostaccessed.html
320 Monolayer Graphene Film on ZnO Nanorod Array for High Performance Schottky Junction Ultraviolet Photodetectors,
Biao Nie, Ji-Gang Hu, Lin-Bao Luo*, Chao Xie, Long-Hui Zeng, Peng Lv, Fang-Ze Li, Jian-Sheng Jie, Mei Feng, Chun-Yan Wu, Yong-Qiang Yu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Small 2013, 9(17), 2872-2879.319 Decorating Pt-Co Bimetallic Alloy Nanoparticles on Graphene as Sensors for Detection of Glucose by Catalyzing Luminol Chemiluminescence Reaction,
Ping Yang, Sheng-Yu Jin, Qi-Zhi Xu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Small 2013, 9(2), 199-204.318 Facile Dip Coating Processed Graphene/MnO2 Nanostructured Sponges as High Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes,
Jin Ge,† Hong-Bin Yao,† Wei Hu, Xiao-Fang Yu, You-Xian Yan, Li-Bo Mao, Hui-Hui Li, Shan-Shan Li, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nano Energy 2013, 2(4), 505-513. Selected as Front Cover.Most Downloaded Articles.
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/nano-energy/most-downloaded-articles/317 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Macroscopic Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Hydrogels and Applications for Ultrafast Supercapacitor,
Ping Chen, Jing-Jing Yang, Shan-Shan Li, Zheng Wang, Tian-Yuan Xiao, Yu-Hong Qian, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nano Energy 2013, 2(2), 249-256.Most downloaded articles.
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/nano-energy/most-downloaded-articles/Editor's Highlight.
Most Cited Nano Energy Articles.
ISI Highly Cited Paper
316 Ethanol assisted synthesis of pure and stable amorphous calcium carbonate nanoparticles,|
Shao-Feng Chen, Helmut Cölfen,* Markus Antonietti and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(83), 9564-9566315 Pt-Ni alloyed nanocrystals with controlled architectures for enhanced methanol oxidation,
Xiao-Jing Liu, Chun-Hua Cui, Ming Gong, Hui-Hui Li, Yun Xue, Feng-Jia Fan and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(77), 8704-8706.314 Bio-inspired In Situ Growth of Monolayer Silver Nanoparticles on Graphene Oxide Paper as Multifunctional Substrate,
Shi-Kuo Li, You-Xian Yan, Jin-Long Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nanoscale 2013, 5 (24), 12616 - 12623.Most Downloaded Article: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/nr
313 Selective Hydrogenation of Nitroaromatics by Ceria Nanorods,
Hai-Zhou Zhu, Yong-Ming Lu, Feng-Jia Fan, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nanoscale 2013, 5(16), 7219-7223.Selected as Hot Article: http://blogs.rsc.org/nr/2013/07/08/this-weeks-hot-articles-5/
Most readed article: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/nr#mostreadarticles
312 Co-Assembled Thin Films of Ag Nanowires and Functional Nanoparticles at Liquid-Liquid Interface by Shaking,
Shao-Yi Zhang,† Jian-Wei Liu,† Chuan-Ling Zhang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nanoscale 2013, 5(12), 4223-4229.311 One-Pot Synthesis of Palladium Nanodendrites with Superior Electrocatalytic Performance,
Qiang Gao, Min-Rui Gao, Jian-Wei Liu, Meng-Yuan Chen, Chun-Hua Cui, Hui-Hui Li, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nanoscale 2013, 5(8), 3202-3207. Inside Front Cover.310 Intrinsic Peroxidase Catalytic Activity of Fe7S8 Nanowires Templated from [Fe16S20]/Diethylenetriamine Hybrid Nanowires,
Wei-Tang Yao*, Hai-Zhou Zhu, Wei-Gu Li, Hong-Bin Yao, Yu-Cheng Wu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
ChemPlusChem 2013, 78(7), 723-727.309 Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Monodisperse PdCu Nanocubes and Their Electrocatalytic Properties,
Qiang Gao, Yi-Ming Ju, Duo An, Min-Rui Gao, Jian-Wei Liu, Chun-Hua Cui, Shu-Hong Yu*,
ChemSusChem 2013, 6(10), 1878-1882.Invited for Special Issue: Shape-Controlled Nanostructures for Energy and Sustainability Applications.
308 Alloyed Ultrathin Nanowires: A New Choice in Electrocatalysts,
Hui-Hui Li, Chun-Hua Cui, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
ChemCatChem2013, 5(7), 1693-1695. Highlights.307 Size-controllable palladium nanoparticles immobilized on carbon nanospheres for nitroaromatics hydrogenation,
Yong-Ming Lu, Hai-Zhou Zhu, Wei-Gu Li, Bo Hu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1 (11), 3783-3788.
306 Colloidal synthesis of Cu2SxSe1-x hexagonal nanoplates with controllable crystal phase and their transformation to CdSxSe1-x and ZnSxSe1-x by cation exchange reaction,
Shi-Kui Han, Ming Gong, Ze-Ming Wang, Chao Gu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2013, 30(12), 1024-1029.305 Chloride Anions Triggered Synthesis and Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle-Ultrathin Cadmium Selenide Nanowire Networks with Enhanced Photoconductivity,
Hong-Bin Yao, Ye Guan, Jing Zheng, Gang Huang, Jie Xu, Jian-Wei Liu, Huai-Ping Cong, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2013, 30(1), 97-101. Selected as Frontispiece Paper.304 Mesoporous SiO2/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanospheres with Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties,
Jin-Lin Hu, Hai-Sheng Qian*, Jia-Jia Li, Yong Hu, Zheng-Quan Li, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2013, 30(4), 306-310.
303 Bioinspired greigite magnetic nanocrystals: chemical synthesis and biomedicine applications,
Mei Feng,† Yang Lu,† Yuan Yang, Meng Zhang, Yun-Jun Xu, Huai-Ling Gao, Liang Dong, Wei-Ping Xu, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Sci. Rep. 2013, 3, 2994.302 Bioinspired Crystallization of Continuous Calcium Phosphate Films on a Langmuir Monolayer of Zein Protein: Their Mechanical Performance, Hydrophilicity and Biocompatibility,
Cai-Yun Zhang, Wei Zhang, Hong-Bin Yao, Hai-Zhou Zhu, Li-Bo Mao, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Cryst. Growth & Design 2013, 13(8), 3505-3513.301 Synthesis of Mesoporous Calcium Phosphate Microspheres by Chemical Transformation Process:
Their Stability and Encapsulation of Carboxymethyl Chitosan,
Cong Sui, Yang Lu, Huai-Ling Gao, Liang Dong, Yang Zhao, Lahoussine Ouali, Daniel Benczédi,
Huda Jerri, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Crystal Growth Design 2013, 13(7), 3201–3207.300 Phase Transformation of Magnesium Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (Mg-ACC) in a Binary Solution of Ethanol and Water,
Yang-Yi Liu, Jun Jiang, Min-Rui Gao, Bo Yu, Li-Bo Mao, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
Crystal Growth Design 2013, 13(1), 59–65.Highlighted by ChemistryViews: Mineral Mechanisms